1. What is Google Plus?
Google Plus - a new giant social networking from Google corporation.Google has previously tried to unite the entire audience in one service, but unsuccessfully. And now a new attempt - Google Plus. To the naked eye can see that Google Plus coolest past attempts to Google. Cool, minimalist design, excellent performance, innovative idea with the circles in the form of "Friends" and competent relationship with all the services Google.
2. How does Google Plus works?
In fact, Google Plus - the same Facebook, or MySpace. Instead of "Walls" - "Tape", but work with it much more convenient, and navigation is competently implemented. There are hot keys, combined with Google Reader. In the tape is inserted into any media content, with the ability to comment - a standard social feature.The design is executed in the new minimalist style, looks very neat and beautiful. Still possible to choose a theme, so far, from a list that offers the service itself Google Plus.
3. Tips social networking Google Plus
3.1.Circles.The main feature of the new network are the Google Plus circles of contacts. With the help of these circles can be very useful to sort all your contacts in different spheres of activity. It's better just to see. The meaning of their work is that for each round you can customize, for example, different privacy. Implemented in a very high technological level.
3.2. Videoconferencing.
Another feature of Google Plus is video conferencing. Corporate segment Facebook angry, and goes to the social networking site from Google. This service is free, minimal, and can be connected at once, with ten people and not only. True, the video function more buggy. The picture quality leaves much to be desired, but generally lags behind the audio so ... But, still, a terrible cross-browser compatibility.
In video conferences themselves built itself a cool feature - insert videos from YouTube in real time!
Insert a YouTube video of Google Plus the social network from Google, ie you can directly go to show the video to a friend, discussing it in parallel, or talking point.
Very tight integration with Google Plus service Picasa. The ability to store photos of great size, though how much, and video up to 15 minutes - for free! All photos are displayed as one large wall.
4. The conclusion about Google Plus
Google Plus |
The most important question - whether to compete Google+ with Facebook?
If do - a very bright future in the form of one billion active users, and the subsequent conquest of the market of social networking.
If not - Facebook will kill Google Plus.
That ended our review of Google Plus.