Swine flu this is one of the most common news these days. The reason is that, the swine flu virus has started to spread over the world and it is identified as and deadly virus. However the doctors believe that this virus is originated with the swine. Also they are also wondering why it is spreading in to the humans as it was previously not affected to the humans. So they are always trying to get some additional information and stop the spreading of this critical virus.
Headache, vomiting, diarrhea, cough runny nose, body ache , sore trough, High fever with chill, are the normal symptoms of the swine flu and generally there is no different symptoms than the normal flue. Also the spreading methods also same as the normal flu and it can be spread by sneezing, cough or whatever the normal methods. So it is always necessary to take various precautions to avoid the spreading of this virus as the doctors are still looking for some cure for it.
Covering your mouth and nose while you sneezing or coughing is a good way to prevent the spread of this virus and it is a must if you are dealing with a large number of people. The reason is if you not take these precautions, then you are in a risk of being infected.
Also washing your hands and the face often will be a good thing to avoid being infecting. The reason is that, when you wash those places more often, the viruses cannot stay sufficient time to make you infected. Also it is always better to use some hand wash product to wash the hands as they can clearly destroy the germs.
And the most important thing, if you feel you are sick, then you must go for medical treatment immediately as if it is not that virus can be spread further with your family members and friends. Also, since it is the beginning, the doctors might able to control the situation with some medicines.
However as at now, there are couple of people have died because if this swine flu and most of them are elder people. So in general terms their immunization ability is lower than the others. Anyway, since now this has been started to spread all over the world, it is always necessary to take the above precautions to avoid unwanted circumstances.
Also the government of the states has identified the seriousness of this issue and they have started various programs in order to guide the citizens regarding the situation. Also they are always providing full support to the scientists who are still looking for some kind of solution for this swine flu. Along with that number of volunteers also doing various things to prevent this virus is being spread and many environment cleaning campaigns are still continuing.
Though there is no vaccines were introduced for this swine flu conditions, the scientist hope to provide a solution very soon and they have given their top priority for the work.